The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Friday, January 30, 2004

Saddam’s Pay Off’s.

Disney owned ABC, which has never been accused of being a tool of the right wing, has quite an expose on Saddam’s payoffs. All the usual suspects are listed as having received staggering amounts of money.

In fact, the only person missing from this list is Howard Dean.

Of course, last year he was a nobody (except to me, I predicted his strong challenge in 1996 when he hosted the Democratic Governors Association in Vermont and made his intentions clear). Anyway, I expect as we dig further, we will see smaller sums directed at lots of influential members of the opposition party here (Dean, Kerry, Clinton, Terry McCaulife . . . Scott Ritter anyone) and abroad.


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