The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Monday, April 12, 2004

Vietnam Veterans Against John Fonda Kerry

My father in law and his army buddies over in the 69th Armor Association (another great site is here. As a funny aside, he used to have a license plate on his Porsche that read 69 Armor that everyone read as 69 Amour) really hate John Kerry. Whether a democrat or republican, these military veterans agree whole heartedly that John Kerry is as close to being a traitor, without actually being Jane Fonda, that a public figure can actually achieve.

In that honor, they have printed up lots of these great stickers

Vietnam Veteran or not, if you are interested in getting one for your car, email me and I can arrange it. Anyway, they are begining to show up all over Washington, D.C. and the Southeastern U.S. We would love to spread them nationwide.