Good Thing Guns Are Illegal In DC
cause things would get real bad if the savage little rodents had access to real firepower.
Who knows, they might just visit tony Georgetown . . . but only if they were allowed to have guns. We wouldn't want them raping and murdering anyone now, would we??
The two were rummaging in the trunk of a car when they were approached by three men wielding a gun and a knife. Police said Piper, who had the gun, grabbed the woman and began dragging her down the driveway. Out of view of his companions, he tried to pull off her clothes, police said. The attacker made a comment "in reference to his intent to commit a sexual assault," said Lt. Robert Glover of the police department's violent crimes branch, which is handling the investigation.
Meanwhile, the two other assailants grabbed Senitt, stabbed him and slashed his throat.
As Senitt lay dying, the three men fled with the woman's purse.
Or even attack the disabled and helpless.
Chris Crowder, 44, was shot multiple times and found by police next to the wheelchair he had used since 1990, when he was shot and paralyzed from the waist down on a playground in the same neighborhood.

Good thing, isn't it, that we don't let people defend themselves against these savages. I'm just wondering when the residents of the District are going to wake up and start demanding that these goblins be treated like the varmints they are.
Might even consider a good 'ol fashion bounty on them. Open up the season.
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