The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Friday, August 20, 2004

Traitorous John Kerry

Well, I just can't stay away from this blogging thing - I had to comment on this latest ad.

The Swift Boat Veterans just released a devastating new ad focusing on Kerry's Congressional Statements concerning Vietnam.

This one is going to be nearly impossible for Kerry to spin away.

Paul Galanti - one of the POWs highlighted in the ad, discusses how they "took torture to avoid saying" what Kerry stated. Galanti continues that John Kerry's testimony "demoralized" the POWs.

What is so powerful about this ad, is that Galanti, who was a resident of the Hanoi Hilton, with John McCain, from June 17, 1966 until February 12, 1973 is NOT a Bush supporter. Indeed, he was named to the Virginia Department of Veterans Affairs by Governor Mark Warner (a democrat) and was the Virginia Chair of John McCain's Presidential campaign.


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