The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Throw The Miserable Incumbants Out

Uncle says that the Incumbant Protection Act has gone into effect.

I guess that just means I have to go public with the fact that George Allen is the Dan Quayle of our time - an incompetant politician born with a silver spoon and given everything he's ever gotten. Oh yeah, he's also a bit of a rascist, looks like an idiot in cowboy boots (dude, Virginia isn't the west), and deserves to lose his re-election campaign this fall for having gone native.

Frank Wolf, my congressman, and the Chairman of the appropriations committee is loves his role as current host of the longest running, open all the time, DC BBQ. Yep, thats right, he's smoking pork right up. Burning through your tax dollars like they are $50 cuban cigars, eager to fill the coffers of his friends inside the beltway, if only they could find some sweet nothings to whisper on his earmark.

As I stated originally, I'll run any post about any other current incumbant. Just let me know who it is and what the message is that the Incumbant Protection Act is failing to allow access to.


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