The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Death of Gun Control


Its official. The worst element of the failed and flawed ideology of the liberal left is now all but over. In a shocking headline today, The Hill - one of DC's two most imporant political papers - runs tha banner headline The Last Nail In Gun Control.

The expected election of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee this month will strike a crippling blow to the gun-control movement, lobbyists and political observers say.

Some on the right may still question whether Dean can be trusted on this issue though. Having lived in Vermont while he was Governor, I am sufficiently comfortable with his belief that the federal government should get out of the gun regulation business. However, it seems that others, especially those on the left, might agree.
In November 2003, the Brady Campaign lambasted Dean for saying the issue of guns crossing state borders had been resolved. The group said the remark was “totally untrue and unsupportable.”

The group last year said it did not support Dean because “he has chosen to run to the right of the Democratic Party on gun issues.”

Gun-control advocates were heartened last year when Dean’s bid for president crumbled.
What's that saying?? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?? I think that may very well apply here and if the Democrats are serious about getting their act together, this could spell long term doom for the Republicans.

The Dem's will have a three great opportunities to do that.
The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (H.R. 1036) and the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act (H.R. 3193) will be reintroduced this year, along with their respective versions in the Senate.
Plus, there is also the Virginia Citizen Defense Leagues's Petition to Allow Carry in the National Parks.

Somehow, I bet He Who Shall Not be Named is gonna be doing the Happy Dance.


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