The Countertop Chronicles

"Run by a gun zealot who's too blinded by the NRA" - Sam Penney of

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hippies and Guns, The Sequel

Last week I linked to a post by John Perry Barlow where he indicated that he shot Grateful Dead guitarist and singer Cowbow Bobby Weir. In response to my plea for more information on this fascinating event, he posted the following (scroll down to comment # 27):
shot him early in the morning of June 21, 1977 - upon which day I would later be married. Actually, it would be more accurately said that he was nicked with ricocheted shrapnel from a .357 magnum round I'd blanged off into the floor in order to get his attention. I'd forgotten that the floor in that room was concrete... He sustained minor flesh wounds and was still able (and willing) to act as my best man later that day.

That is great all around. Nice Chuck Hawks approved choice of caliber (but surprisingly, He Who Shall Not Be Named isn't a fan), nice minor Kerryesque wound, a wonderful wedding (though it should be pointed out Barlow has since Divorced this women) and even with the fresh wound, Weir did the manly thing and still served as best man (rather than finding some doctor to sign off on a Purple Heart request and crylie about it for 30 years).


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